Training can improve understanding of operations, best practices, and next-level skills, which helps with retention, team building, and of course, quality products.

Preview of Data Fluency Program


Executive Leadership Program

  • The benefits of being data driven

  • What is a Data Culture and why do we want one

  • Data lifecycle – all the roles that contribute (most detailed)

  • Choose a mentor (Manager)

  • Choose 3 of the following training repository courses:

  • Day in the life of a research manager (Interviews)

  • The executive’s role in data integrity (Interviews)

  • Evidence-based practices and Continuous Improvement

  • Strategic Goals and performance measurement

  • Project Management using data

  • What is data governance, why is it important

  • Change Management

  • Final project for approval: Make a proposal for additional resources. Request the data, and demonstrate how there is disproportionality, or a need. OR Perform a Gap Analysis

Manager Program

Emerging Leaders Program