COVID Response

Anticipated urgent needs for data-driven decision-making.

  • Immediate trending

    Worked with operational departments to identify the 36 essential functions that needed to continue during the pandemic, and tracked volume, response, and utilization of remote technologies for these functions. Provided within 1 week of Arizona State of Emergency declaration, and daily until department requested reduction.

  • Branch-wide backlog

    A comprehensive report was provided to executives 2 months into the COVID-19 pandemic response to provide insights on the size and type of backlog accumulating as a result of being unable to perform some responsibilities, but required to continue with others. The report explored the comparison of incoming and completed cases, a comparison to previous backlog, and translated that into the amount of staff and time required to overcome the backlog.

  • Department-specific insights

    Targeted reports demonstrated the impact on caseloads, hearing completion, time to hearings, and compliance rates to identify strategies for tackling the backlog in each department.